/etc/nagios3/nagios.cfg †まず /etc/nagios3/nagios.cfg の cfg_dir=/etc/nagios3/conf.d ↓ cfg_dir=/etc/nagios3/objects に変更 /etc/nagios3/objects/contacts.cfg †define contact{ contact_name aya alias Aya host_notifications_enabled 1 service_notifications_enabled 1 service_notification_period 24x7 host_notification_period 24x7 service_notification_options w,u,c,r host_notification_options d,u,r service_notification_commands notify-service-by-email host_notification_commands notify-host-by-email email aya@example.jp pager aya@example-mobile.jp address1 aya2@example-other.jp address2 000-0000-0000 can_submit_commands 1 } /etc/nagios3/objects/contactgroups.cfg †define contactgroup{ contactgroup_name system-admin alias System Administrators members aya #複数の場合は[,]で区切る } /etc/nagios3/objects/hosts.cfg †define host{ host_name chocolate # display_name display_name alias file server :: chocolate address # parents router1 #主にrouters, switches, firewallsなどのhost名を記述する # hostgroups hostgroup_names check_command check-host-alive check_interval 5 retry_interval 1 max_check_attempts 5 # initial_state [o,d,u] # ↑Nagios3はディフォルトで対象ホストはUpしていると思っているので、その設定を変えるオプション # ↑[ o = UP(起動している), d = DOWN (落ちている), and u = UNREACHABLE (接続不可) ] # active_checks_enabled [0/1] # passive_checks_enabled [0/1] check_period 24x7 #timeperiods.cfgに記述してある名前 # obsess_over_host [0/1] # check_freshness [0/1] # freshness_threshold # # event_handler command_name # event_handler_enabled [0/1] # low_flap_threshold # # high_flap_threshold # # flap_detection_enabled [0/1] # flap_detection_options [o,d,u] process_perf_data 0 # retain_status_information [0/1] retain_nonstatus_information 0 # contacts #個々の個人名 contact_groups system-admin # first_notification_delay # # notifications_enabled [0/1] notification_interval 30 notification_period 24x7 #timeperiods.cfgに記述してある名前 notification_options d,u,r #[d,u,r,f,s] # stalking_options [o,d,u] # notes note_string # notes_url url # action_url url # icon_image image_file # icon_image_alt alt_string # vrml_image image_file # statusmap_image image_file # 2d_coords x_coord,y_coord # 3d_coords x_coord,y_coord,z_coord } /etc/nagios3/objects/hostgroups.cfg †define hostgroup{ hostgroup_name sweet-servers alias Toothache Servers members chocolate } /etc/nagios3/objects/services.cfg †define service{ name sweet-service ; テンプレート名 notifications_enabled 1 ; 通知有 event_handler_enabled 1 ; イベントハンドラの有 process_perf_data 1 ; パフォーマンス情報を保存 retain_status_information 1 ; ステータス情報を保存 retain_nonstatus_information 1 ; ステータス情報以外を保存 is_volatile 0 ; 通常サービスチェック max_check_attempts 3 ; リトライ回数 normal_check_interval 5 ; 5分間隔でチェック retry_check_interval 1 ; リトライ間隔 check_period 24x7 ; 24x7でチェック notification_interval 240 ; 障害発生から240分したら再通知 notification_period 24x7 ; 24x7で通知 notification_options w,c,r ; Warning, Critical, Recover時に通知 contact_groups system-admin register 0 ; } define service{ use sweet-service host_name chocolate service_description PING to chocolate check_command check_ping!100.0,20%!500.0,60% } define service { use sweet-service host_name chocolate service_description HTTP for chocolate check_command check_http } /etc/nagios3/objects/servicegroups.cfg †これは何に使うかよく分からず… define servicegroup{ servicegroup_name sweet-serivce alias Sweet Services alias } |