





bin/named               The name server.  This relies heavily on the
                        libraries in lib/isc and lib/dns.
    client.c            Handling of incoming client requests
    query.c             Query processing
bin/rndc                The remote name daemon control program
bin/dig                 The "dig" program
bin/dnssec              The DNSSEC signer and other DNSSEC tools
bin/nsupdate            The "nsupdate" program
bin/tests               Test suites and miscellaneous test programs
bin/tests/system        System tests; see bin/tests/system/README
lib/dns                 The DNS library
    resolver.c          The "full resolver" (performs recursive lookups)
    validator.c         The DNSSEC validator
    db.c                The database interface
    sdb.c               The simple database interface
    rbtdb.c             The red-black tree database
lib/dns/rdata           Routines for handling the various RR types
lib/dns/sec             Cryptographic libraries for DNSSEC
lib/isc                 The ISC library
    task.c              Task library
    unix/socket.c       Unix implementation of socket library
lib/isccfg              Routines for reading and writing ISC-style
                        configuration files like named.conf and rndc.conf
lib/isccc               The command channel library, used by rndc.
lib/tests               Support code for the test suites.
lib/lwres               The lightweight resolver library.
doc/draft               Current internet-drafts pertaining to the DNS
doc/rfc                 RFCs pertaining to the DNS
doc/misc                Miscellaneous documentation
doc/arm                 The BIND 9 Administrator Reference Manual
doc/man                 Man pages
contrib                 Contributed and other auxiliary code
contrib/idn/mdnkit      The multilingual domain name evaluation kit
contrib/sdb             Sample drivers for the simple database interface
make                    Makefile fragments, used by configure

Last-modified: 2012-03-12 (月) 17:05:28 (166d)