参考URL インストール †apt-get install clamav clamav-base clamav-daemon clamav-freshclam libclamav1 設定 †
clamav-baseの設定をする時には 'dpkg-reconfigure clamav-base' とするとよい Clamav + exim4 †Exim4はclamdをDebian-eximに追加させてあげる事でスキャンするディレクトリやファイルをチェックできる
ドキュメントなど †/etc/clamav/clamd.confにここを読めとあるので、読んでみる FixStaleSocket This removes a socket file left over from a previous clamd that had an unclean shutdown. This allows for easier restarting LogFileMaxSize Setting this to 0 disables truncation of the logfile. As the default Debian configuration uses logrotate, this is not an issue except on severely disk constrained systems. DetectBrokenExecutables This will pick up many viral fragments that are likely not harmful in and of themselves, but may cause end users to worry that they received something their A/V scanner identifies. ArchiveBlockMax This makes the assumptions that if you are setting the various Archive* options, you would rather block than pass through if one of those conditions is met. その他 †
検証 †はじかれているかどうか確認 2007-02-08 04:49:16 1HEsn3-0001h4-Lb H=gfiservers.gfi.com [] F=<emailtesting@gfi.com> rejected after DATA: This message contains a virus (GFI.VBS.Test) and has been rejected |